2024 Fee Schedule
CYSA works very hard to keep our enrollment fees accessible for families. We offer a $10 sibling discount.
For U6 & U7 players: $90. This includes a ball and full game-day uniform - shirt, shorts, and socks.
For U8 to U11 players: $95. This includes a ball and full game-day uniform - shirt, shorts, and socks.
Late Fee
Registrations made after the close of regular registration will be assessed a $25 late fee per player. We do not offer a sibling discount for late registrations. Late registration does not guarantee a spot on a team, placement is made on a case-by-case basis.
Refund Policy
Registration fees are non-refundable after the registration period closes. If a player cancels before the program registration closes, all but $10 (not including late-fees) will be refunded. No refunds will be granted after registration closes June 30th. By requesting a refund, you are also asking that your child not be placed on a team.
- If we, Conway Youth Soccer Association, are unable to place a player on a team at the appropriate age level, 100% is refunded. Appropriate age level is as defined by the SKVYSA Age Group Eligibility Chart.
- If WA Youth Soccer and Skagit Valley Youth Soccer Association determine that the 2024 season is cancelled all but $10 per player will be refunded.
- If a player has a season preventing injury pre-season, all but $10 (not including late-fees) is refunded.
Players whose families relocate out of Conway are subject to these policies as well.
CYSA does not give refunds for weather conditions that shorten the number of practices/games. In addition, we do not give refunds or change team assignments due to personal conflicts with game or practice schedules. Practice days and times will be scheduled after registration is closed because it will be based on the number of teams, coaches, and field availability. We do not issue refunds for failing to comply with COVID-19 protocols set forth by CYSA; SkVYSA; WA Youth Soccer; Local, State, or Federal Governments.
Late Payment Policy
Conway Youth Soccer Association accepts credit & debit cards as forms of payment for soccer registration. We accept one-time only, at our in-person registration event.
ANY & ALL balances are due by July 15th. Any player registrations that are not paid in full by July 15th may be canceled by CYSA without further warning/notice.
If you are having difficulty making payment, please contact the CYSA, at [email protected]. Requests must be made by June 30th.